
As of the end of September, 2020, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine appears safe amd working for older adults. Older addults produced antibodies at levels similar to those seen in younger adults while the side effects were similar to the high-dose flu shots. In a Phase I safety study, the company vaccinated individuals aged 18-55, while in the phase II clinical trial, they included 40 adults aged 56-70 and 71 and older.

As of September 29, 2020, 80% of COVID-19 patients who have died were 65 years or older. Sixty percent of those who died were 80 years or older.

July 18, 2020 Hi there science fans. Welcome to the blog. Today I uploaded a 2nd video in the COVID-19 series. The 1st video concentrated on the structure and function of the COVID-19 virus. I also described the vaccines that are presently being investigated to prevent infection in humans. The 2nd video discusses the infectivity rate of the virus and the potential damage a 1% infectivity rate has on our public health system. Check out those timely videos and subscribe to the YouTube channel. If there are specific science topics you like me develop into a YouTub series, please send me an email at